Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Star Wars

 The highlight of our weekend was finally getting to see the new Star Wars movie. We loved it even though it was the same formula as others, but what a great show. We even went out for Chinese food afterwards.  The week was pretty good except for the blood pressure; we are battling this low blood pressure fight. The doctor has us trying something new this week, so I hope it will help. We also hired a person for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights and it is working out beautifully.  It is so strange sharing our house with so many people. There are about six or more people sometimes on the same day that are in our house.  But, by the time the day is over we're both just ready to go to bed and Greg is great  falling asleep.

 Today I went back to my Rotary club. It was pretty emotional being in a room full of people that have supported me from afar. Seeing them all in person and feeling the emotion in the room was quite strong.  Greg and I are blessed with the love and friendship up so many.  I have no words to explain what the strength of others means to us besides saying it gives us the courage to keep going every day.

 I have been back to work full-time for over a week. I still sometimes find it strange to be in my office and not in a hospital room.  I guess I am still transitioning back here.

 Greg still get stronger each day. The PT and OT are working on splints to help strengthen his grip. He is working with his mom  i'm going through all his work papers. He is also meeting with the Access – VR  or vocational rehab  counselor on getting back to work. We both don't know what that actually means today, but it is a road to start on. Greg usually has his phone, so calling or texting is always a possibility. He just doesn't answer if he is working with PT or OT. For me a text is better since I'm back at work. Keep in touch we love to hear from everyone.

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