Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A harder day

Greg had to have a procedure done at Mass General yesterday. The doctor there refused to do it because Greg had been off his blood thinner (a short term -24 hour type) for only 1 day. The folks at Spaulding have been doing this for years and have not deviated form procedure-but for some reason this doctor refused. So, Greg had to wait until today and 2 days off the blood thinner. So, 2 days of ambulance rides, bumpy roads, being "tossed" from bed to bed and the procedure (having to do with bladder). So tonight he is wiped out and in pain. But the Greg we all know and and appreciate took this all in stride-not being able to eat and drink after midnight until around 3 for 2 days and all the rides. Just tonight he crashed. Sorry to repeat-be he is amazing, strong and single mined on his recovery.

This morning he worked on balance at the edge of the bed with PT. This is an important skill to build muscle and balance. Previously he had a lot of trouble getting dizzy and not able to bear his weight. Today, however, he "performed" beyond expectations. Not only did he hold his balance for several minutes, but he was able to shift weight slightly left to right and front to back. The PT said his left triceps is getting stronger and now sees hints of his right tricep. It is amazing watching these muscles slowly awaken.

The weeks spent in the company of heath care professionals with family and friend visits and a few forays into the "real world" have me contemplating my world in a different way. I live almost in slow motion except when Greg's care requires a speedy response-but most times it is just a slow pace of movement - fixing a pillow, moving from bed to wheel chair, it is a kind of dance. Will this cause a change in my life, finally get me to stop getting upset over the the little things, concentrate on what's important? Greg needs me in a way he didn't before, but the love we have for each other hasn't changed-we need each other, we love each other What this develops into over the next year will look different, but the depth of our love won't change it will blossom even more.

1 comment:

  1. You both are so strong! Today was a hard day for you both. I know that you, mom, and myself struggled with how long we had to wait for the procedure. Has anyone tried to stand for two hours and be entertaining? It's hard. Overall, like you said, Greg is getting so much stronger and keeps such a positive attitude. I love seeing all the professionals at Spaulding working with Greg. Even with all the bumps in the road, there is such a bright future for our family 😊
