Sunday, December 27, 2015

Lazy Sunday

Today was just a hang around day, PT was cancelled, so napping was Greg's activity choice and mine was a 2 hour walk. We both needed to clear our heads in our own way. Sometimes we think about what we would be doing in our past life. Sunday's would be lazy mornings, kitchen sink omelette, chores, shopping. We both agreed we would rather be doing that. We have started talking about going home, it is hard to imagine what that will be like. But I will be glad not to have nurses walking  in the room every 2 hours. But I am also nervous about not having them around.

I don't know exactly what life will be like.  How will we maneuver around Plattsburgh? What is and isn't accessible? Our favorite restaurant doesn't have a ramp to get in the front door. I wonder about hiring the care that Greg will need and returning to work. Will help be reliable? A million questions and not many answers today. I do know we will figure them out. Team Lemos is strong.

1 comment:

  1. You will figure it out. It won't always be easy but the answers will come. Remember you're not alone. Love Jan
