Sunday, December 13, 2015

Roller Coaster

Today was a bit of a roller coaster ride and a reminder of how far we have come and how far we still have to go. Greg had so many secretions this morning that respiratory had to come 3 times, alarms were going off because his CO2 levels plummeted. Greg had so much trouble catching his breath. We were both scared. It reminded us of the first days he was off the ventilator. The respiratory nurse explained to us that the trach just makes it harder because it blocks his airway. Greg and I thought that this setback would actually push taking the trach out, but it should not. Greg is adept at using the cough assist machine with a mask and taking the trach out will actually make breathing and coughing easier. So, we are hoping for that step to happen sooner rather than later.

Tim and Lynn came today and had a great visit with us. it was so wonderful to have family here. It meant so much to be able to be with people who love you and will just hang, talk, listen, and love us. We appreciate the distance they came and of course, the cookies and pumpkin bread!

They brought us our mail and it was wonderful reading all the cards folks have sent. We both thought that we would miss everyone from home, but we didn't knew how much. the cards, emails and texts mean so much to us. Off to do the bedtime ritual and then "pass out" on the couch-I think Greg is already out for the night. It is amazing what you can sleep through.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh hospital living... Actually you will be amazed at how alert you can be with very little sleep at night. I now live on 5 hrs max every nite guess I have never got out of that habit.
    You are soo loved and remember to give yourself some slack. Being strong all the time takes A LOT out of you. Love to you both**dee
