Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How about them Red Soxs? Greg's going to Boston!

Hello All,
This is the first update via Blog to inform everyone about Greg's progress. He was accepted in Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston and started the road there this morning. Mom is following the ambulance in her car. They will arrive later this afternoon.

Just to review the last few days, the doctor switched the tracheostomy tube to a smaller one. This has allowed Greg to speak without the need for a speaking valve. Greg also passed his swallowing exam and has been allowed three meals! Also Greg has been breathing on his own all day, however still uses the respirator at night to rest.



  1. Keep strong. I'm biased about Boston, but we have some of the best healthcare in the world right here.

    1. That is proving to be true, just in the glimpses of one day here. I am glad we are here and I hope I can find my way through all the ........I don't even know what to call it yet.

  2. Boston WHO???? Boston is nowhere near Pittsburgh and the Pirates. Jackie and I are wishing you a very positive and healthy recovery.

  3. Paula & I are pulling for you, Greg & Cheryl! Wishing for strength for you in the days ahead.

  4. Know that we love you and are thinking of you everyday. Praying for strength for this journey. As you know Boston will do you right Dee

  5. So sorry for what life has dealt you and we are wishing to a speedy healing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Mary & Arthur Bachelder

  6. Praying for great results in Boston. You are strong, both in body and mind. Give it all you have.

  7. So sorry for what life has dealt you and we are wishing to a speedy healing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Mary & Arthur Bachelder

  8. Hopefully We are here to help you and Greg get through this

  9. Team Lemos has a huge fan base here in Plattsburgh and is sending much love to Boston. Let us know how we can help! Love, Joanne and Kjell Dahlen
