Monday, January 25, 2016

Home Team

Our home team consists of a nurse, PT, OT, and caregiver. We have met all, but the OT, who comes tomorrow. We like them all-knowledgable, supportive, and upbeat. I think we will do well together. Today, Greg had his first 2 hours alone. I had a doctor's appointment and then went to the DMV. I called and texted Greg as did my daughter. Poor guy didn't have a minute alone. He is set up so he can use his phone with a stylus. He can call and text, probably check and e-mail and Facebook, if he wants-don't now if he does yet.

My brother was with us the first 5 days and I know we couldn't have made it without him-especially getting through learning to use the new Hoyer lift sling. So, I have learned that there is a U-sling and a universal sling. I used a universal sling in the hospital. This sling cradles more of Greg and for me is more secure. The U-sling is more open-good for shower chairs, but the bottom end slips through more. I had to get used to this type of sling. My brother and Greg's bonded over working on our sink leak and then Tim continued on by hanging a TV and fixing our van. The ramp was not closing properly. I don't know what we would have done without Tim and Dave.But they are not the only brothers getting into the action. Tony, Greg's brother from Colorado will be here tomorrow for 10 days. We are so lucky to get this support.

I return to work tomorrow. This week will not be full days as we have to get to some appointments, but I am thinking I will be back full-time next week. I am nervous and know that I will miss Greg terribly. We have been together 24/7 for a long time. He is my best friend and I love being with him. Tomorrow, though, we start leading moments of separate lives.

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to have your smile back at work Cheryl. I have missed my across-the-hall colleague. I know your perspective on what's truly important will be helpful in keeping me grounded. You've been on quite a journey. Sarah
