Friday, January 8, 2016

Standing and a Gift

Because Greg's pressure sore is finally healed, he was able to go on the tilt table. This is a table that stands him up at 70 degrees. Standing is important for bone and muscle strength as well as pressure relief from sitting. At the beginning it is common to get dizzy but you work up to 30 minutes which gives you the ability to get a standing frame. This will be a cool option for Greg in the future. It stands him up and supports him. It comes with a table. Many folks with spinal cord injuries use this as a work station.

Tonight we were given an LOA-Leave of Absence. This meant we were allowed to leave the hospital grounds. We went to Brewer's Fork, a wonderful Pizza pub and bar. It is about a half mile from the hospital, so it is in wheelchair distance. It was amazing being out on our own. We did meet some challenges such as fitting at the table. The elevate function works pretty well at pub style tables. The pizza was fantastic and the beer was great. Greg was good and only took a sip. He is on too many medications to have alcohol now. We stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way back for an apple fritter and about 2 hours after we returned Greg passed out. The outing took a lot out of him and he has some pain in his neck from bumping around, but he said it definitely was worth it.